

Lang Lang releases his wedding dress photos. [Photo/Sina Weibo]

>Lang Lang marries pianist 郎朗晒婚纱照宣布婚讯

World-renowned Chinese pianist Lang Lang announced his marriage to 24-year-old pianist Gina Alice Redlinger on his official Weibo account on Sunday. 2日,在全球享有盛誉的中国钢琴家郎朗在其官方微博账号上宣布了自己与24岁钢琴家吉娜•爱丽丝•雷德林格尔的婚讯。

“I found my Alice. She is Gina Alice,” wrote Lang, along with a nine-picture collage of the newlyweds’ wedding photos. 郎朗晒出九宫格婚纱照并表白:”我找到我的爱丽丝啦,她是吉娜•爱丽丝。”

It is reported that Lang Lang and Gina Alice met in Berlin, Germany a few years ago. 据报道,郎朗和新娘吉娜•爱丽丝几年前相识于德国柏林。

Gina Alice is half German and half South Korean. She started to learn piano at 4 years old, gave a solo performance in public at age 8, and graduated from the University of Music and Theater in Hamburg. 吉娜•爱丽丝是德韩混血,4岁开始学习钢琴,8岁就在公开场合举行钢琴独奏演出,毕业于汉堡音乐戏剧学院。

The wedding, held in France, earned the attendance of celebrity couples such as singer-songwriter Jay Chou and his wife Hannah Quinlivan. 两人已在法国举行了婚礼,婚礼嘉宾包括创作型歌手周杰伦和妻子昆凌等名人夫妇。


Workers clear earth at an excavation site in Tsinghua University where tombs dating back to as ancient as Han Dynasty (202 BC- AD 220) were discovered in Beijing, May 31, 2019. [Photo/IC]

>Ancient tombs found on campus 清华大学校内现古墓群

A total of 95 ancient tombs have been discovered on the campus of Tsinghua University, a prestigious university in Beijing. The tombs were found in an area where a new building of the university’s department of civil engineering was to be constructed. 著名高校清华大学近日在其新土木馆大楼的建设工地发现95座古代墓葬。

Copper coins and other objects have been found besides human bones, which can be seen in 20 of the graves. 其中20座墓穴中除了骸骨,还有铜钱等物品。

The tomb cluster is small in size and simple in structure. Experts believe they belong to civilians of the Han Dynasty, and the Ming and Qing dynasties. 墓群规模较小,构造简单,专家初步判断为汉代以及明清时期的平民墓葬。

“It is not the first time an ancient tomb was discovered on the Tsinghua campus. Tang Dynasty tombs have been found before,” said an archaeologist from the municipal cultural relics research institute. 北京市文物研究所的一名考古学家表示,这已经不是清华大学校内首次发现古墓,之前还曾发现过唐代墓葬。

The value to archaeological research will be determined by further study of the burial objects and the stratigraphic information of the tombs, experts said. 专家称,墓群的考古价值大小还有待确认,有赖于对陪葬品以及地层信息的进一步研究。


Jordan Henderson lifts the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final between Tottenham Hotspur and Liverpool at Estadio Wanda Metropolitano on June 1, 2019 in Madrid, Spain. [Photo/VCG]

>Liverpool wins Champions League 利物浦第六次欧冠捧杯

Liverpool has defeated Tottenham 2-0 in the Champions League final to win its sixth European title. Mohamed Salah opened the scoring by converting a penalty kick in the second minute and substitute Divock Origi sealed the victory with a low shot from inside the area in the 88th, securing Liverpool the title a year after it lost the final to Real Madrid. The triumph at Wanda Metropolitano Stadium in Madrid gave Liverpool coach Jürgen Klopp his first Champions League title after losing two previous finals – with Liverpool last year and with Borussia Dortmund in 2013. 在马德里万达大都会球场进行的本赛季欧冠决赛中,利物浦2比0击败托特纳姆热刺,第六次捧起欧冠奖杯。开场两分钟,萨拉赫凭借一粒点球为利物浦占得先机,替补上场的奥里吉在第88分钟低射破网,为利物浦锁定胜局,弥补了去年欧冠决赛输给皇家马德里的遗憾。这也是利物浦主教练克洛普执教生涯中的首个欧冠冠军,此前他曾两次带领球队闯入欧冠决赛——去年的利物浦以及2013年的多特蒙德——但两次都未能捧杯。

After two losing finals since triumphing in 2005, Liverpool finally rose to third in the all-time list of European champions behind 13-time winner Real Madrid and AC Milan on seven titles. 利物浦在2005年欧冠捧杯后曾经两度闯入欧冠决赛,最终都铩羽而归。本次捧杯后,利物浦成为这一顶级赛事的第三大豪门,夺冠次数仅次于皇家马德里(13次)和AC米兰(7次)。


US shipping company FedEx in China to be investigated. [Photo/IC]

>Official probe against FedEx 中国立案调查联邦快递

China launched an investigation into FedEx because the US express delivery service provider allegedly failed to deliver parcels to designated addresses, a violation of Chinese postal regulations, Ma Junsheng, head of the State Post Bureau, said on Sunday. 国家邮政局局长马军胜2日表示,中国决定对美国快递服务提供商联邦快递立案调查,原因是联邦快递据称未按名址投递快件,违反了中国的邮政法规。

The bureau said it recently received complaints from an unspecified number of FedEx clients, including Huawei Technologies Co, saying the company rerouted their parcels to destinations other than the designated addresses without informing them or asking for permission. 国家邮政局表示,近期接到华为技术有限公司等一批联邦快递客户投诉,称联邦快递在未通知、未征得他们允许的情况下未按名址投递快件,改变了包裹的路径。

This has seriously violated relevant laws and regulations of China’s express industry and harmed the legitimate rights of Chinese clients, so the Chinese authorities decided to launch the investigation, Ma said. 马军胜说,这一行为严重违反了中国快递行业的有关法规,损害了中国客户的合法权益,因此国家有关部门决定立案调查。

FedEx has published a statement on its official website in response to the investigation, saying it values all Chinese clients including Huawei, and will fully cooperate with any regulatory investigation into how it serve its customers. 联邦快递在其官网上发表声明对调查作出回应,称该公司重视包括华为在内所有的中国客户,将全力配合监管机构对其客户服务的调查。

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